We'd love to hear from you! 306.761.0556  

online donations 

Eastside United Church has an account with canadahelps.org so you can easily and safely make a one-time or monthly donation online. Click the donate now button below to be redirected to the canadahelps website.

legacy giving

The UCC also has several vehicles through which planned or legacy gifts can be made.


The United Church of Canada's Pre-Authorized Remittance program is a hassle-free means of making a monthly donation to Eastside. Visit the PAR website for more information and contact the church office if you would like to sign up!


Eastside United Church

3018 Doan Drive, Regina, SK S4V 1M1, Canada.


Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!


E-transfers can be sent to eastsideunited@sasktel.net
Eastside United Church on CanadaHelps

At church

Our offerings or donations are collected as you arrive or leave in either the offering plates at the back of the sanctuary or in the offering box on the wall by the entrance.