Community Dinners!
The third Thursday of each month, Eastside families of all shapes and sizes get together and share a meal and some fun! The meal is provided by our awesome volunteers at a small cost of $20 per family or $7 per person (we appreciate pre-payment). If you'd like to attend, please let the office know! We'd love to have you!
Kids in Worship
Children at Eastside also participate in worship as greeters, candle-lighters, readers, prayer writers and pray-ers, singers, special musicians, communion assistants, liturgical leaders. For these and other reasons, children may sometimes remain in worship.
There is a “Kid’s Corner” at the back of the worship space for children who wish to remain during service. There is also a speaker in the library for families that want to leave the worship space but continue to hear the service.
Annually we welcome new members and celebrate our diversity. A faith exploration program is offered by the minister to youth and adults to explore faith, United Church beliefs, and basic Christian beliefs.
You can see our Confirmation Policy here.
Multi-age Gatherings
Recognizing that one of our greatest strengths as "church" is providing the opportunity to gather as an intergenerational community, we hold multi-age gatherings a few times a year. These are times for families of all shapes and sizes to get together, share a meal, and join in some fun activities. Stay tuned for our next one! Sunday School
What to expect from your kids Sunday School experience: When your family arrives at Eastside on a Sunday morning, your kids will stay with you for the beginning of the worship service. Following a short theme time with the worship leader, usually around 15 minutes into the service, kids go downstairs for a lesson time with our teacher volunteers. This year we are using the Spill the Beans curriculum. This curriculum uses the narrative lectionary we use during worship; as such, the lessons kids learn downstairs relate to the scripture readings they hear during worship!
Every attempt is made within our Sunday School to be inclusive and welcoming. This includes finding ways to welcome new children and long-time attenders, boys and girls, children who have short and long attention spans. It also means drawing on many images for the Holy in our programming and in the ways we talk with, and listen to, children.
Messy Church
Sunday mornings not work for your family? Looking for a worship alternative that's a little more hands-on? We invite you to try Messy Church on for size! The first Saturday of each month, Eastside and it's LSC partners host Messy Church for families! This special program that runs from 4 to 6:30 pm includes crafts, a celebration, and supper! More info on our Facebook event and the opportunity to RSVP too!
We'd love to hear from you! 306.761.0556