Sharing space with two other congregations increases our awareness of our ecclesiastical neighbours!​

Living Spirit Centre

3018 Doan Drive

Regina, SK  S4V 1M1 

Welcome to the Living Spirit Centre, where we encourage cooperation while respecting the differences between the three distinct traditions of the Anglican, Lutheran and United denominations. It is a place where we are committed to the teachings of Christ, while striving to understand how we can share those principles with others around us.

The LSC is governed by a council with equal representation from each of the three congregations. The working agreement is in the form of a Covenant and decisions are made through consensus rather than majority voting.

The three congregations which make up the Living Spirit Centre combine efforts to meet the needs of the community through various ministry activities. These also encourage our members to learn and experience special events within our partner congregations traditions. At certain times during the year to create a shared sense of worship we combine all three congregations within a combined worship experience. Special services are also held during Lent and Easter as well as during Advent and Christmas.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of your religious experience and traditions. Come and join us for worship or one of the numerous activities that we offer!

Below are some of the combined shared ministry events currently at the Living Spirit Centre.

"Church Crashing" throughout July and August - one congregation hosts Sunday worship (at 10:30 am) and the other two are invited to "crash" it.

LSC Book Club
LSC Women’s Spirituality Breakfast

Messy Church
Shared Services: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter

We'd love to hear from you! 306.761.0556