
We'd love to hear from you! 306.761.0556  

One of the great things about being in community with other caring individuals, is the chance to join together and do a little good.

wascana rehabilitation centre worship service

3rd Sunday of every other month
(October, December, February, April and June)
1:30 pm

Every other month, Eastside volunteers treat the folks at Wascana Rehab to an in-house worship service. Volunteers are asked to arrive at the Centre at 1 pm to begin escorting worshippers from their rooms to the chapel. Extra singing voices are also very much welcome!

indigenous christian fellowship breakfast

4th Saturday of the month
9 am to 12 noon

Eastside continues its involvement with ICF by preparing and serving breakfast on Saturday mornings. Six volunteers are needed to set up tables and chairs in the dining room; set tables, prepare and cook breakfast and clean up. You are not committed for that whole time period. If you are able to spare any time at all, you are more than welcome. There is no cost to volunteers, just the gift of your time. ICF is a very family-oriented facility and your children are welcome to be involved. For more information, email Peter Braun at or call the church office.